Verizontal thinking

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Vertizontal thinking was first discussed by Theme Zoom inventor Sue Bell and TZ programmer Kelley Reynolds. Later we realized that the concept corresponds much with the work of David Allen, although he did not invent Sue's particular Neologism. David also talks of action mastery consisting of Horizontal thinking and Vertical thinking in equal balance.

Vertizontal enlightenment looks like conscious relaxed-control and focused engagement, aware of all options (vertical and horizontal) at any one time and place. In order to have this horizontal clarity, you must also be aligned and clear about decisions, directions and priorities.

You will find that most individuals and organizations are merely flying by the seat of their pants in crisis management mode.

Sue speaks of vertizontal thinking in terms of simultaneous best action between what is urgent and most important across both vertical and horizontal priorities and tasks.

Vertical thinking is about perspective.

Perspective is your slipperiest and most valuable commodity. Therefore methods for maintaining perspective are your most important tools.

Your ability to refocus, rapidly, on the right things at the right horizon at the right time is the master technique of knowledge work athletics. - David Allen

Your point of view, your values and your attitude are critical in order to find meaning and joy in your work.

It is very easy to lose perspective in your life and within the hustle of daily micro-actions.

Control: Conscious focused engagement, aware of all options at any one time and place. This comes primarily from from Workflow Process.

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